From Cradle to Career: The Basics with Dr. Ronald Ferguson


On Tuesday, February 23rd, Dr. Ron Ferguson joined us for our first Coastal Conversation. Click here to view the full program on YouTube or watch below. You can also listen to the program on our podcast below or click here.


Dr. Ron Ferguson’s presentation focused on understanding early childhood brain development, understanding that learning gaps start before children turn two years old, educating families on the importance of early childhood education and how communities can work together to create a great environment for kids to grow up.

With the knowledge that 80 percent of a child’s brain is developed between birth and the age of 3, Dr. Ferguson’s efforts encourage parents that education begins at home, which ensures that children are entering school on a level playing field and to provide them with the resources needed to achieve throughout their school years.

Dr. Ferguson began his program because he noticed a gap with kids from different backgrounds and races. He saw this and developed a program to provide the resources parents need to make sure their children are not at a disadvantage. Thus, The Boston Basics were born.

The Basics Principles are made up of 5 science-based and caregiving tenants that should be implemented in a daily routine. They are:

  • Maximize Love, Manage Stress
  • Count, Group, and Compare
  • Talk, Sing, and Point
  • Explore through Movement and Play
  • Read and Discuss Stories

It is so important to implement these steps into our own community!

We need allies to make sure our children are given the best opportunities to excel and be prepared for their future. Also, we need to give parents in our community what they need to minimize the gaps seen in education attainment levels.

Coastal Conversations’ goal is to introduce transformative ideas and then work with local partners to implement the ideas into our community. If you are interested in partnering with us, please contact us at